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The locked room mystery in the works by Edgar Allan poe, sir Arthur Conan doyle and Agatha Christie

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metadataTrad.dc.contributor.author Reis, Raíza dos;
metadataTrad.dc.contributor.advisor Wolwacz, Andrea Ferrás;
metadataTrad.dc.contributor.advisorLattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/3898978537841725;
metadataTrad.dc.publisher Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos;
metadataTrad.dc.title The locked room mystery in the works by Edgar Allan poe, sir Arthur Conan doyle and Agatha Christie;
metadataTrad.dc.description.resumo O objetivo deste TCC é comparar três histórias de detetive de diferentes períodos de tempo, analisando suas similaridades e diferenças em relação a estrutura. Para fundamentar esse estudo as histórias escolhidas foram: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1841) de Edgar Allan Poe, “The Speckled Band” (1892) de Arthur Conan Doyle e A Holiday for Murder (1938) de Agatha Christie. Essas três histórias de detetive foram escolhidas porque todas elas são parte do subgênero o Mistério da Sala Trancada. O objetivo é verificar se existem similaridades ou diferenças, pois, aparentemente elas devem seguir o mesmo padrão, mesmo tendo sido escritas em diferentes eras: Romanticismo, Vitoriana e Georgiana.;
metadataTrad.dc.description.abstract The aim of this paper is to compare three detective stories from different periods of time by analyzing their similarities and differences concerning structure. To undertake this study, three detective stories were chosen: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1841) by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Speckled Band”, (1892) by Arthur Conan Doyle and A Holiday for Murder (1938) by Agatha Christie. These three detective stories were chosen because all of them are part of the Crime Fiction subgenre the Locked Room Mystery. The aim is to verify the similarities and differences among them, since they might follow the same pattern, even though being written in different eras: Romanticism, Victorian and Georgian Literature.;
metadataTrad.dc.subject Detective stories; Locked Room Mystery; Literature; Histórias de detetive; Mistério da sala trancada; Literatura;
metadataTrad.dc.type TCC;
metadataTrad.dc.date.issued 2020-07-10;
metadataTrad.dc.identifier.uri http://www.repositorio.jesuita.org.br/handle/UNISINOS/11528;
metadataTrad.dc.audience.educationLevel Graduação;
metadataTrad.dc.curso Letras;

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